Thursday, December 27, 2012

PharmaSys Quick Case Guide to Social Media Recruiting

(by Patrick Harris, Business & Technical Project and Product Manager for the Digital Age)

PharmaSys Senior Consultant, Craig Morgan has been hard at work with some business development and recruiting efforts in this last quarter of the year.  He sent me the following email and I thought it was an interesting blog topic - especially for consultants leveraging social media (in this case LinkedIn) for recruiting purposes:

"I am looking for some help from you to revise/update my Linked In account. I want to develop our business in the Boston area and don’t really know how to utilize LI as an effective tool. My gut tells me there are people out there who scour these sites and some modifications to my account could put me/us on their radar."

Here's my response with hopefully some quick tips to help you use this free recruiting tool:

Here are a few first initial tips to get started.

"For your current LinkedIn profile,

(1) Add Skills to your Profile.  LinkedIn has this functionality.  Add all/any skills related to your profession and this will give you more "Klout" on the site and increase your search ability.  Also, add more summary information (maybe from your PharmaSys CV).  

(2) Post Relevant Content Consistently.  You want to post industry news or commentary that is relevant, frequently.  This does not have to be original content but something you want to share i.e. a new story, study, etc. to your updates.  The key to this is do it frequently.  I would suggest having a schedule and sticking to it (i.e. daily, 3 times a week, etc.).  

(3) When you post, Optimize Search.  Right now since you have a specific target, I would always include the hashtag #Boston in my updates/posts.  I always include the hashtag #pharmasys in my posts as well.  The association of the two will help increase your search visibility and ultimately help connect you to interested professionals.

(4) Join Groups.  Below I've listed a variety of groups, both geographical and general industry.  Start by joining these groups.  You have the options to receive notifications.  I like the notifications because these give you a chance to respond to these discussions quickly.  I think posting your expertise to some of these discussions would be extremely valuable."

Any other suggestions?

For more information about PharmaSys, please visit our website at

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